The third season of our award-winning television series, “Chasin’ The Sun,” premiered on Saturday, January 6, 2018 on Discovery Channel. “Chasin’ The Sun” is a fishing and coastal lifestyle television program that showcases the diverse angling, diving, and cultural opportunities found among the emerald green waters of Panama City Beach.

Capt. Justin Leake, a lifelong native of Panama City Beach, has returned as host and is joined this season by Capt. Travis Holeman, a nationally-known tournament angler, fishing guide and founder of Key West Angling charters. Throughout the season, Leake and Holeman will be joined by special guests as they go fly fishing for tarpon, head offshore for grouper, target shallow water redfish from standup paddle boards and enjoy a taste of the coastal lifestyle.

During the first two episodes of Season 3, Justin and Travis target inshore redfish and explore artificial reefs off the coast of Panama City Beach. The crew set their sights on a spot three miles offshore where a pair of retired USAF F-101 Voodoo jets have been placed, 75 feet underwater, to form an artificial reef. This particular site is home to a wide variety of species, and within minutes of chumming the surface, Leake and Holeman find themselves in the middle of a feeding frenzy of amberjack. The powerful fish are ready to give our anglers all that they bargained for, and an epic fight ensues.

In case you missed all of the excitement, click the links below to watch full episodes!

Episode 1: "From the Keys to Panama City Beach"

Episode 2: "Jet Setting Jacks" 

See below for products our hosts love!

Z-Man Fishing Products


"What really sets Z-Man apart from the sea of other fishing companies are the unique properties of our lures and materials themselves,” says Daniel Nussbaum, President of Z-Man Fishing. “From the proprietary 10X Tough ElaZtech® material used to make our softbaits to the patented design of our ChatterBait® bladed jigs, all our lures offer something distinctly different from the competition— and that translates to superior performance on the water."

“Chasin’ The Sun” will air weekly on Saturday mornings at 8amEST/7amCST Discovery Channel