Visit Panama City Beach is pleased to announce that its award-winning fishing and coastal lifestyle television series, “Chasin’ The Sun,” has been renewed for a sixth season on Discovery Channel. Premiering on Saturday January 2, 2021 and airing on Saturdays through June, the upcoming season will continue to showcase the incredible fishing and coastal lifestyle available in Panama City Beach with 13 all-new episodes.
Originally debuting on Sportsman Channel in 2016, “Chasin’ The Sun” moved to Destination America and NBC Sports Network for its second season. The show then transitioned to Discovery Chanel for its third, fourth and soon-to-launch fifth season, highlighting the best in fishing and coastal lifestyle for serious anglers and beginners alike.
“Chasin The Sun” is produced in partnership with Pinfish Media and all episodes are available for online viewing. Discovery Channel reaches nearly 100 million U.S. households. For more information on “Chasin’ The Sun,” please visit or stay connected via Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.