Empowering the next generation of hospitality leaders
Visit Panama City Beach in collaboration with the Bay County Tourist Development Council, is thrilled to unveil a dynamic and forward-thinking scholarship initiative strategically designed to catalyze a profound transformation in the landscape of tourism education across esteemed local educational institutions. By orchestrating this program, the goal is twofold: to establish an accessible pathway to workforce education for ambitious students venturing into the dynamic realms of tourism and hospitality, and to intricately weave economic growth by amplifying the visitor experience to unparalleled heights within the vibrant tapestry of Panama City Beach.
The scholarship initiative will provide annual funding to Bay District Schools (BDS) to support career academies focused on Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) and Culinary Arts (CA) and provide scholarship funds to students pursuing tourism industry degree programs at Gulf Coast State College (GCSC), Florida State University, Panama City Campus (FSU - PC), and tourism industry trade programs at Haney Technical College.